Monday 6 April 2020


Dear Parents,

We sincerely hope and pray that you and your families are well and safe at this very critical and devastating time.  We have no doubt that all are taking the safety precautions. We continue to place our trust and hope in Almighty God's mercy and support each other with our prayers. There is some information we would like to communicate with you:

* The teachers have prepared worksheets for the students according to their level which will be uploaded on the school blog;

* The Finance Office will be opened from Tuesday 7th April.  Please visit the school to collect the Challan Forms;

* The order of issuing the challan forms is:
Tuesday               Classes 1 & 2
Wednesday          Classes 3 & 4
Thursday             Classes 5 & 6
Friday                  Classes Nursery, K.G & Prep
*   If you require further information regarding students' homework, you can find out when you come for the challan forms. Please do not bring the children with you.

*  The office will remain open 4 days a week- Tuesday to Friday  from 10.00  A.M. to 01.00 P.M.
Thank you for your co-operation.

Sincerely Yours, 

Sister Catherine Maria RJM

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